第6回The Economist読む隊

Face value (Tony Hsieh): http://www.economist.com/people/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13490041

今週の"Face value"はTony Hsieh、ラスベガスに本社を置く靴ショップZappos.comのCEO。今時は珍しいくらいにベンチャーらしいベンチャー、かなりユニークな社風らしい。


Zapposという靴販売サイトのことは、今回のFace valueを読むまで知らなかった。アメリカでは靴もネットで買っちゃうというのがちょっと新鮮。私はサイズや足型の都合上、いまだに靴はお店で買う派です。



Par. 1. Introduction of "Zappos.com". It looks like a start-up company in the internet boom days that the office of Zappos is adorned outlandishly and the employees enjoy working with some toys.
Par. 2. Mr. Tony Hsieh, the head of Zappos. His goal is to create a corporate culture that allows Zappos to prosper by providing world-beating customer service, no matter what business it is involved in.
Par. 3. Zappos, as an outstanding customer service company. Mr. Hsieh described Zappos as "a service company that just happens to sell shoes."
Par. 4. Beginning of Zappos with Mr. Hsieh. As he sensed the firm's potential, he moved from an investment fund which backed up the start-up Zappos to the firm and became the chief executive in 2000.
Par. 5. The culture of Zappos. Since Tony Hsieh joined, Zappos have focused their efforts on creating a distinctive culture at the company. Performance review of employee reflects the efforts that half of the review based on how well each person has lived up to the company's values.
Par. 6. The recruitment of Zappos. How to employ people is also geared to identifying those with a Zappos frame of mind.
Par. 7. Laissez faire of Zappos. The company gives staff much freedom to get on with their job.
Par. 8. Cost and profit of the culture-building. After several years of just breaking even, Zapos was profitable in 2007 and 2008.
Par. 9. Mr. Hsieh's willingness to share information. He encouraged his staff to use twitter, a micro-bloggin service, along with him.
Par. 10. Recession and Zappos. Despite the recession, the company goes well now, however if the recession make shoppers to be much more price-sensitive, Mr. Shieh's model to sell products with full price in return for outstanding service might come unstuck.

Politics this week

派手な動きをしているマダガスカルやベネズエラもいいけど、個人的には地味に大変な東欧が気になります。先月末に"I'm an obstacle to the co-operation needed for change.(この変革の時代に求められている協力体制にあたって、自分は障害物なのだ)"といって首相が辞任しちゃったハンガリー、ようやく新首相と経済大臣(finance minister)が確定したようです。



このサービスを支えるスタッフの指針となっているのが、Zapposの企業文化。 "Culture Book"という本を従業員全員が読みこなしていて、"deliver WOW through service(サービスを通じてWOWを伝えよう)"とか"create fun and a little weirdness(楽しさとちょっと変を作り出そう)"とか書いてあるんだそう。

世界級ライフスタイルのつくり方 - カルトのような文化