第14回The Economist読む隊

Face value(Marius Kloppers, BHP BILLITON)

Face value: Steel and brass | The Economist

鉱山ビジネスの知識を微塵も持ち合わせていない(+予習不足の)ため、よくわからなかった。みんなで読んだ後にBHP Billiton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaを読んで、英文の意味を全然把握できてなかったことがよくわかった。てっきりbidは安値で成立したのかと思っていたが、んなこたぁなかった。

On 25 November 2008. Billiton announced that it would drop its $66 billion takeover of rival Rio Tinto Group saying that the "risks to shareholder value" would "increase" to "an unacceptable level" due to the global financial crisis


Par. 1. Introduction. Description about the mining industry.
Par. 2. Who Marius Kloppers is. He launched a bid for Rio Tinto, just after he became a top of the big mining company: BHP Billiton.
Par. 3. Character and career of Marius Kloppers: a new breed of Mining company boss.
Par. 4. Context of the merger with BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.
Par. 5. Hard time before landing. BHP dropped the bid.
Par. 6. Another transaction between Chinalco, a Chinese state-owned firm, and Rio Tinto. It was also failed because of Rio's shareholders, and a recovery in commodities prices.
Par. 7. BHP and Rio announced an agreement to hold a joint venture for their business in the Pilbara, Australia.
Par. 8. More problems to solve, but Mr. Kloppers "looks likely to press on as persistently as the trains rumbling across the Pilbara".

  • XX of late: 最近のXX
  • quick off the mark: すぐ行動に移る
  • too generous: 気前がよすぎる
  • brass: 真鍮製器具、金管楽器、厚かましさ、鉄面皮

Politics this week

Politics this week | The Economist

  • 欧州議会議員選挙、右寄り(愛国主義的なほう)の勢力が強まる。
  • ブラジルのアマゾン取扱関連法律で、ちょっとごたごたしている模様。
  • 今話題のイラン選挙、投票日は6月12日でした。実質権力者がなだめても改革派のデモは止まらず。ところで私は何が問題なのかイマイチわかっていない。改革派=民主化要求派?
    • 総選挙のやり直しを求めてのデモらしい。(追記)

Positive thinking's negative results, Words of wisdom

Positive thinking's negative results: Words of wisdom | The Economist


[第14回] - The Economist読む隊