Face value
今週のFace valueは、イタリアFiat Groupのトップ、Sergio Marchionne。
まさに「今週の人」というべき人物を取り上げるThe Economistの周到さは、素直にすごいと思う。
今週読んだThe Economist発行日は4月25日、勉強会をしたのは5月1日。記事は「Mr. Marchionneはクライスラーを破綻させずに提携する目算」といった論調だが、つい先日(4月30日)、クライスラーは連邦破産法11条の適用を申請した。
Par. 1. Introduction. The chief executive of Fiat Group, Sergio Marchionne, went to the negotiating table about control of Chrysler, the smallest of Detroit's Big Three.
Par. 2. The game Mr. Marchionne will take a roll. Although there are many problems including unions, lenders, and the Treasury, Mr. Marchionne was confident that the deal can be done without Chrysler in court for bankruptcy.
Par. 3. The game Mr. Marchionne take with Fiat. Mr. Marchionne considered that he could help Crysler, because he once salvaged Fiat from the status of total failure.
Par. 4. The character of Mr. Marchionne. Despite his bulldozes way, he is Italian-born and educated in Canada, qualified as both a lawyer and an accountant.
Par. 5. The renaissance at Fiat. Mr. Marchionne dismantled the organisational structure of Fiat, removing a large number of old-type leaders and bringing in a younger generation as executives.
Par. 6. Fiat-Chrysler alliance. A few months ago, a Fiat-Chrysler alliance was first placed on the agenda. If the deal is done, Mr. Marchionne will be named chief executive and a new board will be recruited outside from Chrysler.
Par. 7. The model chosen to run Chrysler. If Mr. MArchionne be the chief executive, he would split his time between Fiat and Chrysler, and would develop synergies between the two organisations.
Par. 8. Good deal for both Chrysler and Fiat. The deal will be a good one not only for Chrysler, because Fiat should have double size to survive in the future. Mr. Marchionne chose to be the hunter rather than to be the hunted.
- take convincing: 説得を要する。2段落目の「The Treasury it self will take some convinginc to release the $6 billion it has promised in exchange for a credible recover plan」:財務省は再生計画に拠出する60億ドルについて、自身をうまく納得させねばならぬだろう」って感じか。
- consolidation:強化、合併、整理統合、連結。server consolidation というのもある。
- lay: lie(横たわる)の過去形。lie-lay-lain
- 現在詞lay(横たえる)。lay-laid-laid
Politics this week
- CIAの「もっとできる! 尋問☆マニュアル」(named by id:shiumachi) 公表について、英文がうまく解釈できずうーん。調べたところ、メモは既にオバマ政権によって公表されている。
- たぶん「Dick Cheney wanted the release of memos showing [that] how effective the techniques had been in protecting lives.」。これよりもthe release of memosなしでDick Cheney wanted to show how effective the techniques had been in protectinf lives.のほうがわかりやすくないかな。どうだろうか。
- 追記:phoがちゃんと調べてくれた。サンキュー。
というわけで、「Dick Cheney前副大統領は、この拷問術がどれほどアメリカ国民の命を守るのに効果的だったかを示すメモの公開を求めた。」って感じになりそう。