ストーリー:MBAを卒業したばかりの青年Marcus Drakeはひょんなつながりから億万長者のBobby Goldと数日を共にすることになった。Bobby Goldは数多くのビジネスを立ち上げ一代にして億万長者になり、自家用ジェットで世界中を飛び回りつつ幸せな家庭を築き、それでいて精神的におごることも酒や女に溺れることもなく、慈善事業にも多額の寄付をしている。彼の手がけるビジネスはどれも"Nothing's Better Than Gold"ブランドを冠し、それに相応しい内容で知られている。BobbyはMarcusに言う。「きみがMBAで学んできたのはビジネスのSkillだ。僕はきみにビジネスのArtを教えたい」・・・
Bobby Goldのような成功像は「いかにも」すぎて、ひねくれ者の自分には共感できないが、Influence is the key to success. Influence is the art of business. というフレーズや、人を巻き込みビジネスを動かしていく人間になるための Golden Rule of Influence は頷ける内容なので、最後まで通して読んだ。
The Art of Influence: Persuading Others Begins With You Chris Widener Crown Business 2008-07-08 by G-Tools |
- Live a life of undivided integrity
- Make it your goal to have others consider you a person of your word.
- Always demonstrate a positive attitude
- What good can come from this? That question will help you focus on solutions.
- Consider other people's interests as more important than your own
- "'leaership by walking around'/ but what matters is what you do when you walk around. I make sure that I am looking out for my people and building relationships. I make sure they know that I care about them and am interested in them."
- Don't settle for anything less than excellence
- "Humans are spiritual people. Yet most people spend more time figuring out their insurance needs than they do their spiritual needs. We ought to excel in that area, as well. Don't forget that. If humans are spiritual people, then they are more likely to be influenced by people who excel in their spirituality."